The stripped-back Forged in the Dark pamphlet TTRPG CBR+PNK is up on the Bundle of Holding, but not for long.
The Cabinet of Curiosities‘ cyberpunk one-shot game can be printed on one page and played in an evening, and this offer vanishes nearly as quickly – on February 5th. Until then, the core rules and supplements are available in quick deal.

CBR+PNK Collection – $6.95
The retail value of the collection comes to $36.50, and it’s all in this single tier.
- CBR+PNK Core
- 2 CBR+PNK plug-ins
- 4 CBR+PNK runs
Like other Forged in the Dark games, CBR+PNK uses flashbacks as a way to move PCs forward and the ruleset combined with the ultraviolent setting means that there are a whole lot of tough choices.
There are not, however, a whole lot of pages to read before your players are ready to plunge PCs into one final adventure.
Quick Links
- Download: CBR+PNK.
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