The pitch is that the White Box Cyclopedia is that it’s not the original Swords & Wizardry White Box with extra content (some 200 pages) but a ‘what if…’ of D&D’s Dave and Gary remaining friends.
It’s a pitch that speaks to people as Barrel Rider Games asked for $5,000 to fund the game, and we’re now through $40,000 with two weeks left on Kickstarter.

White Box Cyclopedia is a standalone TTRPG built on the Swords & Wizardry White Box rules from Mythmere Games.
There are some 30 classes, 100 spells and nearly 200 monsters plus rules for strongholds, seafaring, spell duels and the sort of things that players do but which aren’t often in core rules.
Matt Finch of Mythmere provides the preface.
While White Box Cyclopedia provides over 200 pages of optional rules, because it is rooted in the classic White Box rules these options can be ignored or implemented individually to create a fully customized play experience. Every optional rule in the game is rooted in those White Box rules, seamlessly integrated.
Referees can craft exactly the campaign they want, whether it’s a classic dungeon crawl with just Fighters, Clerics, and Magic-Users or something far, far more extensive that includes the plethora of optional rules found in White Box Cyclopedia. In the end, it is your game.

Backers unlock a PDF copy of the game at $15, and it’s noted the expected retail price for the same will be $20.
There’s an at-cost coupon added at the $30 tier so that backers can get a hardcover copy printed through DriveThruRPG. That means they’ll still have to pay printing and shipping costs.
Those two tiers are all that are up for grabs now that the deluxe and the USA-locked $120 tier has sold out.
Barrel Rider Games will run the Kickstarter until February 7th; the estimated delivery is in March.
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