New on DriveThruRPG are ACE Games, aka Adventure Calls Entertainment, who have published the 66 pages of the Inkforged RPG quickstart.
Steve Hemmesch’s game uses the new Defined by Dice system, which will debut in full along with Inkforged.
In Inkforged, characters are people drawn into The Realm by The Book. It’s a fantasy world with magic and the liquid energy of the Author’s Ink. At the end of the adventure, the characters (Ikons) have learned what it takes to be a better person and return to their real lives.
The Defined by Dice system has players assign dice to their characters’ traits and skills instead of using character classes. There are no experience points or levels either, and, instead, Ikons gain boosts to their Trait or Skill, perhaps a new Ability of Spell, then-and-there in the game.
Inkforged is also designed so the players roll dice, which the Narrator rarely does. On the ACE Games website, the publisher explains the idea behind ‘negotiating for advantage’.
We encourage you to communicate with The Narrator as often as possible to help write your character’s stories in the world of Inkforged. When facing a challenge, inside of combat or out, you can increase your chance of success by negotiating with The Narrator to lower the challenge ranking. Look for things described in the environment, flaws in the opponent’s defense, or Skills and Abilities that might provide an advantage.
The quickstart has all the rules needed for the short adventure The Pumpkin Patch and five pre-generated characters.
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