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This is Audio EXP for the 11th of May and the episode title is “Cosmic storms”
[The following is a transcript of Audio EXP: #241]
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Calamity Punk Publishing won the RPG Publisher Spotlight this month.
I’ve sent an Instagram message to the punks but am otherwise behind in getting in touch. They’ve a chat form on their site, so one to try next.
Speaking of late, this podcast is a whole day late.
Why is that?
Was it due to the wild cosmic storms that tore up the sun and sent the Northern Lights soaring over Scottish skies?
No, instead, imagine a forked tongue, a bat nose and huge dagger-like teeth. Keep that Nosferatu image in mind and have it burst forth from chilli and chocolate.
That’s chilli and chocolate cake.
Yes, listeners. The world ordered cosmic storms for my birthday and I ordered a horror-themed birthday cake and was not disappointed.
Yesterday, I was treated to a murder mystery in a Scottish castle, and I used the Agatha Christie method to determine the murderer. I lost conviction in the technique and cast blame on an embezzling lawyer instead.
All this means is that I ran out of energy rather than listening to the podcast yesterday. Here I am, Sunday night, work tomorrow, recording a summary of geeky highlights of a busy week.
It also means that the murderer from the murder mystery was found by another guest, and a young woman who wanted nothing more than to take over a cult was sent to jail, whereas the lawyer I had suggested take the blame was able to get off scot-free. Where is the right to that? I asked you.
It has been an interesting week, though!
We talked to Edge of Mythos about Dream City Knights which is two RPGs in one, where what you do in one world might have an influence on another.
There’s a demo link on the blog and a Kickstarter coming for Dream City Knights shortly.
RTG also had news with Cyberpunk Edgerunners: Misson Kit, and I’m excited and frustrated.
I played Cyberpunk 2077 for a few minutes on the Stadia and never got beyond that. Don’t hate me. I’m an anime fan and easily got to the end of Edgerunners on Netflix.
Now, Cyberpunk Edgerunners: Misson Kit promises to pick up after the show. There’s an adventure called The Jacket to do that,
However, I’m frustrated at RTG’s positioning of their Edgerunners. They say it’s not a core RPG. So, does that mean you need a core RPG to use it? No, you don’t. It is self-contained. Is it the same RPG as Cyberpunk RED? No. It’s something different.
What the heck, RTG. Just call Edgerunners an RPG if it’s entirely self-contained. It might be a small RPG. It might cast doubt as to why we’d pay heaps of cash for rules two or three times as thick, but if the central rules are in the kit and they’re not a repeat of central rules from elsewhere, then they’re new central rules—aka core rules.
Sticking with core rules, let’s talk about D&D’s 50th anniversary that won’t happen during D&D’s 50th anniversary.
The 2024 edition of the Monster Manual will be released in 2025. I can live with that, but that doesn’t mean I won’t rib the multinational about it.
After the 2025 Monster Manual, Wizards of the Coast will release the SRD 5.2. The Systems Reference Document governs which elements of 5e rules third-party publishers can use without paying Wizards of the Coast.
These rules will be released under Creative Commons because Wizards promised to be after the almighty OGL drama. Creative Commons means Wizards can’t unpublish them, and you can safely sell 2024 5e worlds.
There will be two SRDs next year because SRD 5.1 will still exist. SRD 5.2 will include the rules.
Wizards of the Coast are saying the release of the SRD 5.2 is a massive project because of all the changes.
Wizards of the Coast also insists that the 2024 edition of D&D isn’t a new edition but an evolution of the 5e we’re used to.
The two statements can be true, but it’s just hard.
Is the SRD 5.2 the big RPG news of the week? No, I think Beacon might be.
Beacon is Critical Role’s subscription package. You don’t need to join. You can still watch on Twitch or YouTube, but there are benefits for joining, such as early access, merch discounts and Beacon is a video-on-demand site.
I’m reminded of Atomic Think Tank by Green Ronin, which, beyond the launch of ENGINE, the AGE magazine, we’ve heard little about. Atomic Think Tank is also a subscription platform.
Originally, by which I mean going back 15 years, Atomic Think Tank was a forum for Green Ronin’s Mutants & Masterminds. Social media killed forums off, but now Green Ronin has brought something back.
There are a few things to unpack here. Firstly, I’d suggest that social media hasn’t worked well for fandoms outside Reddit. Google+ had it, but not at scale, and elsewhere, it’s become toxic at its worst or, more often, abandoned or poorly curated.
We’ve seen many failed attempts to sell licensed access to RPGs, ala Netflix for RPGs, but virtual tabletops have successfully sold software as a service.
Beacon and Atomic Think Tank are somewhere in the middle and sell fandom as a service; they’re selling exclusivity, bonuses and extras. You don’t need to pay for Atomic Think Tank to play AGE games from Green Ronin and nor do you need to pay for Beacon to play Daggerheart.
Wizards of the Coast has D&D Beyond but will need to adapt it to make it a similar proposition, and gamers don’t like change.
I don’t think it’ll take a big change, mind, just D&D Beyond with lipstick on.
Speaking about lipstick, if you’re an Attack on Titan fan, what about Eren Yeager lip gloss. Yes? Interested in having from Eren smeared on your mouth?
It feels in keeping with the show.
Well, two things happened; firstly, Bronwen reviewed Game Beauty’s Attack on Titan makeup collection. That’s the set with Eren Yeager lip gloss. Secondly, Bronwen got bitten by the Attack on Titan bug and raced deep into season two.
I’m trying my best to manage expectations and caution that the tone may change for a bit, but to stick with it. I fear saying anything more would be a spoiler.
Bronwen’s current theory is loosely that Titans are some sort of reflection of capitalism and that people turn to them. I can’t comment here, but sharing that for the record.
For outros, we have bundles, and I’m still behind on those. Oh, but we did sort out press access for Tabletop Scotland, for both of us, and UK Games Expo for just me. Get in touch if you’re going.
The first bundle is for the Journal of the Travellers’ Aid Society, and that’s for Mongoose’s Traveller.
The second, also at the Bundle of Holding, is for Moon Toad’s Cepheus Engine, which is the alternative to Traveller.
Bronwen gets the final mention, with a Humble write-up of Cyberpunk 2077 and The Witcher books.
On that note, may cosmic storms bring blessings, and I’ll see you next week.