Torg Eternity, a reboot of Torg: Roleplaying the Possibility Wars (1990), was published in 2018. Seven High Lords from parallel realities have invaded Earth and divided it among themselves, transforming each part to reflect their own reality’s axioms. However, the Storm Knights, individuals who have mastered Possibility Energy, can resist and expel the conquerors.
Ulisses Spiele, the current publisher, has two deals in the Bundle of Holding. TORG Essentials, with the core rules, has been seen before, but Cosms 2 has not. It’s all new. Both deals expire on Monday, the 4th of December.
TORG Essentials
This deal has everything you need to start the defence of Core Earth and is available at a standalone page.
Essentials Collection – £9.95
The retail value of the downloads on offer comes in at $37.50.
- Torg Eternity Core Rules
- Delphi Missions: Rising Storm
- Torg Character Journals
- Torg Eternity Day One
- Torg Eternity GM Screen & Archetypes
TORG Cosms 2
The new bundle offer has the complete Cyberpapacy and Orrorsh settings from the RPG. They’re mixed over a two-tier offer.
Starter Collection – $17.95
The retail value here comes to an impressive $75.
- Cyberpapacy Sourcebook
- Cyberpapacy: Unhallowed Data
- Orrorsh Sourcebook
- Orrorsh: A Trifling Matter
Bonus Collection
The threshold price started at $29.95 and will move up and down. If you can meet it the collection has a further $93 worth of downloads,
- 6 Cyberpapacy supplements
- 6 Orrorsh supplements
- Orrorsh: Torg or Treat
Both bundle offers go to support Direct Relief, which also battles to protect Earth.
Quick Links
- Download: TORG Essentials.
- Grab: TORG Cosms 2.
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