Happy Halloween! The veil between worlds is weak today, and the spirits from the other realm will have no easier night to visit us.
Geek Native’s 12 Masks of Halloween has hit twelve and reached the final mask. Our Halloween mask for the dreaded day takes no prisoners and is truly gross. We return to the mask shop of 2023 for us and Brains for Tea.

Elizabeth of Brains for Tea calls this horrible design the Necromorph. The warning is clear; there is no escaping the Necromorph.
There’s no mention of Dead Space on Brains’ Etsy page, and ‘necromorph’ is a portmanteau, so I’ve no way of knowing whether that brilliant computer game inspired this gross zombie. This necromorph reminds me of Dead Space, though!

My favourite line from the shop is;
This latex mask presents realistic detail that no zombie would be caught dead without.
Quick Links
- Gross Necromorph.
Which was your favourite Halloween mask for 2023? You can use these teleport links, which lurk at the bottom of each post, to leap randomly through the whole collection. These blind jumps are not limited to 2023, and you’ll travel in time, too.