The designer of the superhero tabletop RPGs The First Knight, The Gadgeteer and Teenage Menace, W.H. Arthur has a new one in the same Cinematic Universe TTRPG series.
Avatar of Gaia is a Pay What You Want RPG on Itch and came out last week. It’s also part of the Fuck Capitalism Jam of 2023, which helps you understand the tone!
The system is inspired by Apocalypse World and the superhero RPG Masks: A New Generation from Brendan Conway and Magpie Games. Those two are familiar titles, and Avatar of Gaia also draws on Fraser Simons’ Uncanny Echo as well as John Harper’s Lady Blackbird. That’s a combination of rule systems and adventures.
As part of the Superhero Cinematic Universe, Avatar of Gaia is a one-shot that can but does not need to be, used in conjunction with the others. If you take the latter route, you build a longer narrative.
In this particular one-shot, you’re fighting for a better tomorrow.
In the capitalists’ unrelenting pursuit of growth at the expense of the environment, they have awakened Plutus, the god of wealth. Plutus rewards the greed of his followers by offering them exponential growth and transforming their bodies into kaiju. A weakened Gaia has chosen her new avatar to protect Earth against capitalistic exploitation. Is it too late to save Earth? Play to find out.
The game needs 3 to 6 players, including a GM (the role is known as Master of Ceremonies here), 3d6 and a few hours.
Quick Links
- Download: Avatar of Gaia
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