The Mecha Hack is a 44-page Platinum bestseller based on The Black Hack. As the name implies, Absolute Tabletop’s RPG is that of giant war machines and their pilots.
Aether Nexus takes the world of mecha, the rule set, and layers in high fantasy. It’s a setting inspired by Escaflowne, Nausicaä of the Valley of Wind, and Aura Battler Dunbine. The game, also from Absolute Tabletop, has just hit its $18K Kickstarter goal, and there’s still plenty of time to become a backer.
Aether Nexus is a complete ruleset that adds unique player options for a world of Aetheric knights and their Apparatus. The PCs, aetheric knights, are warrior-mages controlling powerful artefact armour to which they are attached mentally and physically.
The world of Eskhara is broken, full of people like cursed Cloven, amphibious Buforog, elemental Kaldron, and the insectoid Chimru.
Absolute Tabletop include help for GMs and is funding an A5 100-page (ish) physical book as part of the project.
Long ago, Eskhara was whole, and her people prospered. Eskharans pierced the veil of reality, venturing into the Aethereal, and there learned many secrets of matter of magic. Wielding aether, an arcane element flowing with knowledge, Eskharans entered into an age of wonder. Magic was abundant, aether-powered technology lifted life to utopic heights, and a vast commonwealth spanned the world.
Then came the Oghdra.

There are hardship tiers for those who might struggle to pay full price for the game but might sense an improvement in theirs or someone else’s if they had it. No justification is needed; the $10 tier exists.
At $16, backers get access to the playtest updates, and digital stretch goals and will get a PDF of Aether Nexus.
The print version is added to rewards for backers who can contribute $26 or more. There’s worldwide shipping on offer.
The game can be played with The Mecha Hack, although it doesn’t need the parent rule system. The $35 bundle is entirely digital but includes the PDFs for Aether Nexus, The Mecha Hack and the Mission Manual.
$60 supporters get all three books in digital and in print. It’s a popular tier; after that, there’s a USA retailer-only tier.