SleepwalkAir, aka Jeff Beyer, aka RedBeardBoss from YouTube, has earned more than $500,000 of support from Kickstarter backers across various brush projects.
On offer are brushes designed for tabletop mini painting. The latest project is GHOST Maxton Black Miniature Paint Brush Set And RPG Dice, and it’s added some $30,000 or so to that tally with three weeks of the campaign still to run.
As the name states, there are bushes, a skull pot and dice on offer in this campaign. The pledge levels let backers mix and match.
The set has six brushes, which are all-black and use nylon hair and a contoured wooden handle. Jeff says the best part of the design is the soft bristles which reduce brush strokes appearing on your miniatures.
I admit I don’t even paint, but I’m tempted because of the skull point and in case I ever do paint.
Are you looking for the best paint brush for miniature painting? Look no further than the new Maxton Black Legendary Detail Paint Brush Set! This 6 brush set is ideal for creating intricate details and offers superior performance compared to other brushes on the market. The unique all-black design of this brush is an eye-catching addition to any painter’s collection and will make a great addition to your miniature painting supplies. Read on to learn more about why the Maxton Black Legendary Detail Paint Brush Set is the best paint brush for your miniature painting needs.
If you want the black skull, you can back the project for $10 and be anywhere in the world to unlock that pledge.
The #00, #0, #1, #2, #3 and #4 brushes are the tier reward at $30. That’s a popular option with well over a hundred supporters at the time of writing.
Alternatively, if you want all five metal d20, then pledge $35. I’ve single metal die sold for more than that. However, you only get the dice at this tier.
The skull cap filled with assorted RPG dice is the gift at $40, and that feels like another generous reward.
The brush and skull cap, the headline times, are the unlocked reward at $40. You can get two sets of brushes at $60, one skull full of dice and one set of brushes at $70.
Backers at $100 get the lot, and above that are significant retailer pledges. One store owner has gone all in for $1,200.
RedBeardBoss estimates they can ship the lot for December 2023.
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