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Nope, I’m going to neither argue that this is a clever joke nor even suggest that this bathrobe will move your application for Vader’s Fist and the 501st Legion one jot.
I am going to say, “Look what Merchoid has” and I’m going to ask; “Do you miss lazy weekend mornings?”
I do. I find myself up early on most weekends and with things to do. Self-inflicted things, like going out to the neighbourhood bakery for a sugar-baked breakfast, but things. And non-lazy things.
Perhaps if I could pull up a hood and hide in the cosy darkness, I’d be more inclined to have more chillax weekends?
Merchoid makes their usual play of claiming that the robe gives you +10 hit point and +20 charisma, but they literally say that about all their fashion.
As they routinely do, the site takes the time to say this is 100% official merch.
Unlikely most stormtroopers, this one comes with a money-back guarantee if it’s a miss with you.