Ghost Club may be Andrew Dowell’s first Kickstarter, but they’ve backed nearly two dozen and is a full-time VR artist. Yeah, Ghost Club RPG looks excellent. Even though it’s launched in Christmas week, we’re all broke; it’s made funding target.
In the RPG, you play a youngster who can see ghosts on the school bus. The project is open to backers.
Ghost Club is set in a small town of 102,000 or so (living) people and uses its own game system. It suits 2 to 5 players, one of which is the GM, which means Dowell considers it okay to run as a duet game.
It’s a roll heavy game, by design, embracing the designer’s love of the mathrocks and perhaps also giving youngsters playing more of a tactile experience.
When a roll is needed, the player rolls as many D6 as they have fear points left.
The campaign is for a 120-page book. There is no way to get a physical copy. Not yet. Dowell notes frustration at getting books from Kickstarters only for the rules to change, errors to be fixed, and that first edition to be out of date. So, for Ghost Club, there may be a physical book, but not yet.
Ghost club is a light RPG game about investigating haunted houses, finding clues about the ghosts, and then summoning the big bad for a final banishing show-down. Set against the backdrop of a small town somewhere in America, if you’re a fan of Stranger Things, Ghostbusters, Twin Peaks or Gravity Falls, you’re going to love playing investigations set in this mysterious and spooky town.
Supporting Ghost Club is easy. As with all Kickstarters, it’s about helping the project, not shopping, but one tier has rewards.
And just one.
Backers who contribute £8 or will get PDFs for (it’s a list); the core rules, the player’s guidebook, map of Twin Falls Town, 11 other maps, 6 character sheets, Ghost Master’s Investigation Sheet and 3 ready to play Investigations.
There’s also a Spotify ambience playlist in a nice touch, which is rather good!
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