Facebook’s Oculus Quest 2 is out, and retailers like GAME see the Christmas gift boom the VR headsets might be.
Do you think VR is taking off?
GAME’s write up suggests usage is up. Revenue in 2021 is projected to get near to 1.5 billion, and estimates from Oberlo track a 75% increase in monthly VR users over the last 5 years. People searching for VR, or at least searches, have been up 5,800% in the last 12 months.
GAME, needless to say, associates this with lockdowns. The keyword [VR Oculus Quest 2] has had a 23,536% increase in 12 months. That’s likely driven by the news and product release cycle, though; when the Oculus Quest 4 is announced, it too will see a significant percentage increase.
However, the market share of VR devices does show the Oculus doing well against competitors.
Uses for VR
It’s not all about the gaming, though.
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