At the start of the year, Spin Master bought the Rubik’s brand as part of the company’s buying spree. It’s now the third-largest games company in the United States.
Rubik is best known for the Rubik’s Cube, which was invented 40 years ago by Professor Erno Rubik, who turns 77. Happy birthday Rubik!
Brian Kobasa, a Rubik’s Ambassador, created a birthday card for the Cube from 768 Cubes to celebrate the day.
By day, Brian is a software engineer based in Colorado. He’s twenty years experience solving the fiendish puzzle and 2.5 years building portraits from them which is why the birthday card looks easy!
Trust me, it wouldn’t be! Nature magazine has even published papers that involve the puzzle, such as Solving the Rubik’s Cube with deep reinforcement learning and search. Meanwhile, New Scientist confirms Solving a Rubik’s Cube quickly is officially hard.

Specialised code, written by Brian himself, is used to help make these portraits, and he’s worked with people like Mos Def due to this rare talent.
If you want to see more of Brian’s art, then prepare yourself for a most fittingly named Instagram page. You can see more over at @TheCubeAbides.
Quick Links
The Rubik’s Cube is still found everywhere, and a quick check online shows some pretty mainstream stores supplying it.
- Buy a Rubik’s Cube at Argos (UK) | The Toy Shop (UK) | Tesco (UK) | Walmart (US) | Fat Brain Toys (US)
Correction: The original article incorrectly said it was the Cube’s 77th birthday. It’s not. The Cube turns 41 later this year.