Smunchy Games, the creator of games like the deck-building TTRPG Parselings has acquired Inkblood Book Company.
Inkblood is a dark speculative fiction publisher. To accommodate Inkblood into the company, Smunchy has created Tuskaar Press as a literature publishing company, and Inkblood will become an imprint.
Emory Glass will be Inkblood’s Publisher and Chief Editor.

Inkblood specialises in the fiction considered too risky, irreverent or gritty for other sci-fi and fantasy publishers. Emory Glass notes;
Having written several full-length novels, a handful of short stories, and a thirty-three-part flash fiction serial before and during my search, I was disappointed to find many available publishing options not to my liking. So, I decided to live the quote “Be the change you wish to see in the world” (Mahatma Gandhi) and start my own author-focused, story-centered press. It is my belief that Science Fiction and Fantasy that is not quite grimdark and not quite nobledark which takes risks, tackles heavy and important topics, and breaks the mold of what science fiction and fantasy “should” look like has an underserved market that merits further exploration for the sake of the readers and authors who enjoy such stories.
The imprint is taking submissions for the dark fantasy The Fools Journey until the end of June.