The two-year-old site Board Game Atlas will launch a new review feature in May. The site is a price comparison tool and a community; it’s a place you can go to find out whether you should spend money on that board game or not.
Board Game Atlas’ new review system will show a new aggregated critic score against a similarly aggregated community score. Both use a 100 point scale for easy comparison.
Call for board game critics
Are you a distinguished voice in the board game community? You could be part of the Board Game Atlas critical panel. There’s a sign up form here.
Not everyone gets to be a critic, but some sites can supply more than one critic, and everyone will be vetted by the Board Game Atlas team after the enrollment period closes on April 24th.
The site has published its guidelines and criteria in their open call for sign-ups.
Chief Marketing Officer Phil Ryuh said;
With any current platform, all reviews regardless of source are grouped together. It is hard to distinguish what is real or whose opinion you are listening to. This new system would allow you to get a definitive answer from only the most trusted sources in the tabletop gaming community.”
Implementing this new feature brings us closer to achieving our mission of being the place where the conversation about what games to choose happens. Expert board game opinions can be found across numerous different platforms and mediums. With this new feature, we are bringing together the critical consensus of a title in an easily digestible way.”
There are six principles that the site expect critics to adhere to; insightful (you add value), objective (you’re not bribed), original, articulate, dedicated (you review in volume) and are civil.
It’s not now or never. Board Game Atlas says they expect enrollment for the program several times a year.
Board Game Atlas operate in a fiercely competitive space, made even busier during the lockdowns but has been doing well. The community now has over 100,000 monthly active users, and it bought Board Game Prices.
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