Rivers of London is a popular urban fantasy series from Ben Aaronovitch about cops that do magic.
Geek Native was lucky enough to get to chat to Ben about the latest graphic novel, The Fey and the Furious about police investigating boy-racers and the supernatural events that then unfold. In the same interview we talk about the possible TV show and roleplaying game.
A hard copy of The Fey and the Furious is the prize in this competition. To take part, you must be in the UK or US and you must earn points by logging into the widget below and completing missions. Each point you have is a chance of being the randomly drawn winner.
a Rafflecopter giveawayTerms and Conditions apply.
Closes 22/12/2020
Please note that although the competition closes on the 22nd, and Geek Native will email the winner shortly after that, we do not expect the publisher Titan Books to be able to send any prizes until the New Year.
In this view, Andrew Cartmel and Ben Aaronovitch talk to Forbidden Planet about The Fey and the Furious.