You can now buy Cyberpunk Red from DriveThruRPG and next week, in the United States, a physical book will be in shops.

Is the game any good? Yes, and you can read Geek Native’s Cyberpunk Red review here.
Impressively, the first “DLC” is already out. You can download Old Guns Never Die (PDF link) straight from R. Talsorian Games. It’s free to download.
DLCs (Downloadable content) are usually associated with computer games, while tabletop RPGs use terms like Accessories, Expansions or Supplements, but DLC seems to fit Cyberpunk!
The three-paged PDF from Mike Pondsmith, James Hutt, Cody Pondsmith and J Gray is devoted to covering weaponry from your old Cyberpunk 2020 collection to the Cyberpunk Red.
A six-step process, which takes a single page, talks Cyberpunk GMs through transforming stats from the older game to the latest and then a second page shows an example so you can see the output for yourself.
If you don’t want to click through straight to the PDF from Geek Native, then you can review RTG’s announcement blog post before you do.