There’s a call to arms at DriveThruRPG and a Queer Love Bundle.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #288
We’re pretty much out of time for the internet to deliver any festive gifts. We’ll have to hit the high street or distract ourselves with RPG news.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #271
Gaming news: a bundle supporting Meguey Baker’s fight against cancer is available, D&D Direct airs on the 27th, Paizo reverts its community use policy, and R. Talsorian Games releases a starter for Shadow Scar.
Lumpley Games back on Kickstarter: Vincent and Meguey Barker introduce The Wolf King’s Son
Meguey and Vincent Barker are designers with loads of geek street cred, with designs like Apocalypse World, Psi*Run and Under Hollow Hills in their impressive portfolio.
Vincent Baker takes The Thief and the Necromancer to Kickstarter
The Thief & the Necromancer is the fourth game in The Wizard’s Grimoire zine series. It’s a complete, stand-alone game; you don’t need any of the other issues to play it.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #133
It’s the end of the week, the month and the year. It is, therefore, time for one last look back at the RPG news from 2021 with Geek Native’s Routinely Itemised: RPGs.