Matthew New has a production company that can make geeky furniture, and he has a patent on the way to turn a TV into a gaming table and back again.
The Kickstarter is going well. It’s 375% funded with 28 days still on the clock, at the time this blog post goes live, even though the elegant piece of homeware-tech isn’t cheap. You can read more and see the progress of the campaign on its project page.
There are two pledge tiers left; the CharacTable TurnTable for £205 or the CharacTable TurnTable with the acrylic shelf for £270. I guess that latter option is most tempting if you don’t think you have got the time or ability to find a good quality acrylic shelf yourself for less than £65.
It’s a compelling pitch if you’ve even better tempted by living maps. We’ve looked at them before on Geek Native and they do look great.
The software used in the pitch video is Arkenforge.
If you require living maps, then Matthew New makes those too and ran this Kickstarter of Drone photography turned into RPG maps. It’s closed now, but late pledges might be accepted.
I’m not an expert on patent law, and so it will be interesting to find out whether you can patent a broad idea like a table-to-desk converter or whether you have to protect a specific design.
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