Today is Free RPG Day. The event is managed by Impressions, a company that helps put RPGs in your hands, and is designed to encourage you to support your local game shop. The site has a interactive map which you can use to find a retailer taking part in the event near you.
It costs money for stores to take part in Free RPG Day as books need to be shipped to them but the costs are kept down thanks to sponsors who provide freebie products to give away. This year the sponsors and their freebies are;
- Paizo (Platinum sponsor)
- Pathfinder Adventure “Risen from the Sands”
- Pathfinder Adventure Card Game 4-Pack
- Catalyst Game Labs (Gold sponsor)
- Cosmic Patrol Quickstart
- Shadowrun/A Time of War Quickstart Flipbook
- Valiant Universe RPG Quickstart
- Goodman Games (Gold sponsor)
- DCC RPG Adventure
- Q Workshop (Gold sponsor)
- Modern FUDGE Dice
- Chessex (Silver sponsor)
- Commemerative Dice
- Lamentations of the Flame Princess (Silver sponsor)
- RPG Quickstart: “The Doom Cave of the Crystal-Headed Children”
- Onyx Path Publishing (Silver sponsor)
- Mage20 Quickstart
- Pelgrane Press (Silver sponsor)
- 13th Age Adventure
- Atherton Haight (Bronze sponsor)
- Adventure Book Sampler: “Time Travel Dinosaur”
- Troll Lord Games (Bronze sponsor)
- Castles & Crusades Adventure
- Blue Panther (sample)
- Unique Dice Tower
- Boothroyd & Allnut (sample)
- Godsfall RPG Quickstart
- Off World Designs (sample)
- Free RPG Day Employee T-Shirt (XL)
- Break From Reality Games (sample)
- GripMap, 8″x8″ Sampler
The sponsorship level effects the quantities in each Free RPG Day box. Platinum sponsors are providing 15 copies per box, Gold provide 10, Silver 5, Bronze 3 and sample level sponsors have one produt per box.
It is important to support your local RPG store. These are often places that help bring new blood into the hobby.
The catch? I can’t make it to any retailer taking part in Free RPG Day today. Does that mean there’s no free RPG for me today? As it happens many publishers step up and put special offers on today. DriveThru RPG aren’t sponsors of the event but they’re highlighting all the free to download RPG goodies often availalbe on the site.
In fact, there are 3679 free to download titles on DriveThru today.
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