This is a blog post about series six of Doctor Who. It contains nothing but speculation and widely commented on factoids. If you’re allergic to spoilers – or rather, the possibility of spoilers – then stop reading now.
This post contains no actual spoilers (unless you’re behind in your Doctor Who watching) as it contains no leaks, previews or anything like that. This is entirely speculation based on fan chats about the series over lunch, dinner and in the pub.
In most – but not all – of the series six a woman wearing an eye patch has appeared. She slides open a panel, often in a wall, makes a comment about or to Amy and then closes the panel again. It looks as if she’s peering in from some other dimension.
She first appears in episode 2: Day of the Moon when Amy is exploring the orphanage infested with The Silence. Amy asks;
”Hello. Who are you?”
There’s no direct response. Instead, the woman – who fans are calling Madame Kovarian – turns to face someone we can’t see and says;
”No, I think she’s just dreaming.”
Her eye patch is metallic. It reminds me of Cybermen.
She appears again in the pirate episode; The Curse of the Black Spot. In this she seems to talk to Amy. She says;
”It’s fine, you’re doing fine. Just stay calm.”
She also appears, once again behind the sliding panel, in The Rebel Flesh but says nothing.
Amy’s the only one who’s seen her. I and other fans connect Madame Kovarian to the child and Amy’s pregnancy.
The first mystery around Amy’s pregnancy is why the Tardis scanner shows alternating positive or negative scans. The first theory – given how The Silence abducted Amy and showed interest in her – was that the pregnancy is somehow Silence related. In keeping with the Silence’s powers the scan first detects the pregnancy (showing positive) but then forgets (showing negative). I’m not sure this speculation is that robust. There’s no evidence to suggest The Silence’s power works on technology.
A more common theory is that there’s a temporal flux and in one side of the flux Amy is pregnant but not in the other.
In The Rebel Flesh we encounter doppelgangers. Here’s a possible answer to the death of the Doctor. Was it a doppelganger? Agent Canton Delaware insisted that that really was the Doctor but from the language the Doctor has used himself in respect to doppelgangers – a doppelganger really would still be the Doctor.
The key point The Rebel Flesh seems to be bring up is that there might be doppelgangers out there. We could have a pregnant Amy doppelganger/original and a not-pregnant Amy/doppelganger. It seems like an easy prediction to suggest the series will explore more along these lines later.
Another point o f speculation brings us back to River Song. We know River kills someone incredible. Could it be the Doctor? Unlikely. It was someone important. Could it be that River Song kills Madame Kovarian? That’s pushing the speculation but not impossible.
For that speculation to have more meat to the bone then Madame Kovarian would need to be important. If she’s the nurse maid to a future Time Lord – the child? – a child born in temporal flux, ie, Time Lord-like, then she might be that important. That might also explain why she’s checking in on Amy.
One final point of speculation is that Madame Kovarian seems to be looking in back on Amy’s life. How is that possible? Time Lords again? Or someone peaking in from a parallel dimension. Could Amy be in some sort of futuristic hospital, with Madame Kovarian caring for her and the child and is she simply running through memories or dreams with Madame Kovarian occasionally checking in?
What do you think?