Wintermourne launched on Kickstarter a few days ago. It’s a few days left before it ends. Outland Entertainment has the comic book superstar Cullen Bunn and illustrator Jeremy Mohler on the title.
Wintermourne is a horror fantasy setting where the death of two goddesses means that whenever an animal dies, it rises again as a zombie. You can explore this world, if you dare, on the pitch page.

As an Outland setting, Wintermourne is system-agnostic, and the publisher says supplements, short stories and longer fiction will support it.
Only 100 of the print zines will ever be made.
The first WINTERMOURNE role-playing supplement presents gamers with a rich world to explore. Players will delight as they uncover the mysteries of this realm of blood, ice, and horror. Game masters will discover a wealth of non-player characters, horrors, magic items, artifacts, deities, legends, and lore, all beautifully illustrated, that can be the basis of new fantasy adventures or inspiration for surprises to be added into existing role-playing campaigns!

Backers at $5 will get the Wintermourne zine as a PDF.
At $15, backers get the print zine as well, and Outland is offering international shipping.
There’s a $30 tier, which also comes with a signed and numbered cover.
Blink, and you’ll miss it as the Kickstarter finishes on 5the th of February. Blink again, and it’s arrived as Outland estimated a March 2025 shipping date.