These results are really really late! They’re late! What can we say? We? There’s only one of us (shush Smeagol) and the Wyrdmaster was ambushed by RealLife™ (failed saving throw).
What does this mean? There were an extra day or two of votes and then a big delay as the database sat idle. Fear not, these results are safe and sound… next year we’re getting expert vote counters in from the sunny State of Florida to assist and so we’re sure the Weird GameWyrd Game Awards will run smoothly!
Thanks to everyone who votes – as per usual there are always hundreds of votes as other web sites rallied friends, families and complete strangers to come here and vote for their favourites. To all those complete strangers out there; come in and have a cup of tea!
Wyrd Winners
Possessor of the Wow Factor
- » Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (Black Industries)
The most innovative company in 2005
- » Muse of Fire Games (Support includes: Capes)
The Writer or Artist Most Likely to be in Communion with the Great Old Ones
- » Sandy Petersen (Support includes: The Call of Cthulhu 6th, CoC, unspeakable horrors and others)
The Author Most Likely to be a Caffeine Powered Robot
- » August Hahn (Support includes: Starship Troopers, D20 Heroes of Fantasy, Babylon 5: Earthforce Campaign Book )
The RPG or Supplement Most Likely to Amuse Evil GMs
- » Curses! (Silven Publishing)
The RPG or Supplement Most Likely to Improve Your Campaign
- » Midnight 2nd Edition (Fantasy Flight Games)
The RPG or Supplement Most Likely to Inspire Good Roleplaying
- » A Game of Thrones (White Wolf)
The RPG or Supplement Most Likely to Spark the Imagination
- » Mutants & Masterminds 2nd Edition (Green Ronin)
The Most Original RPG or Supplement
- » Weapons of the Gods (EOS Press)
The Most Atmospheric RPG or Supplement
- » Dark Legacies Campaign Guide (Red Spire Press)
Cwor! The Sexiest Front Cover
- » Exalted Cult Of The Illuminated (White Wolf)
Eek! The Scariest Front Cover
- » Lancea Sanctum (White Wolf)