Today we’ve got a bit of a treat for you, with this delightful video walkthrough of Deep Space 9 as Armin Shimerman guides you through all the things that made the set and design so special – including the iconic promenade.
To celebrate Discovery returning this week, Apple Vision Pro has launched a series of updates to its virtual tour offerings, and even better, the Roddenberry Archive and OTOY announced a raft of new virtual reality set tours allowing fans to take a spin around the world of Star Trek. Including the bridge of the Discovery!
But back to the DS9 promenade for a minute.
Audiences are now able to explore more of the set than ever before – the biggest ever built for Star Trek at the time, and still one of the biggest to date – with an incredibly charming documentary about the history of the set, and its legacy, narrated by Quark’s very own Armin Shimerman.
Check it out below!
I don’t know about you, but I found this such a delight to watch. Thanks, Quark!
What do you think – is this just the hit of nostalgia you needed today? Let me know in the comments!