I got into Brandon Sanderson’s Mistborn fantasy through digital means via Audible audiobooks, and now it seems it is the end of the digital road for the official RPG Mistborn Adventure Game.
Crafty Games, who have the license, today published Nobles: The Golden Mandate Digital Edition calling it the final supplement for the Mistborn Adventure Game. The publisher also notes that December 31st is the last date any of the Mistborn Adventure Game digital editions will be available.
There is a physical book, currently out of stock at the resourceful Noble Knight Games, and I no longer see a mention of the IP on Crafty’s website.
There’s also a deluxe edition of the printed rules and one of the first things I did was to check eBay for copies. No luck.
Brandon Sanderson has been having incredible success at Kickstarter and with in-housing projects (including some clever lies) and so there might still be a future for new Mistborn tabletop RPGs.
If it’s now or never, it’s good news as the Bundle of Holding has a timely offer, including the core rules.
Mistborn Collection – $17.95
The bundle deal is live until Monday the 9th and is worth $69 in retail value. The core rules are usually $15.
- Mistborn Adventure Game
- Alloy of Law
- Alloy of Law: Masks of the Past
- Terris: Wrought of Copper
- Skaa: Tin & Ash
The setting lets players go up against the Lord Ruler’s Inquisitors, which, if I remember my Mistborn books right, this puts us at the start of the series by book number.
In Mistborn, mages swallow metal for power, and the game reflects that in what’s been called one the most intricate magic systems in roleplaying.
Otherwise, the system feels like Fate, with d6 dice pools and a narrative emphasis.
Quick Links
- Bundle of Holding: Mistborn Collection.
- Buy Mistborn Adventure Game | Nobles: The Golden Mandate.
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