Netflix’s rightly acclaimed sci-fi animated stories Love, Death + Robots is coming back for season 3. There’s a new trailer, and it’s been watched more than a million times in the first 24 hours.
There are going to be 9 episodes, and the launch date for the typically high-impact shorts is May 20th.
A change is coming. David Fincher of Mindhunter fame previously co-produced the series with Tim Miller. For Love, Death + Robots season 3, Fincher will make his directorial debut in the show.
Multi-Emmys winning Albert Mielgo is returning. His season 1 episode scooped all those prizes, his new piece, Jibaro will wrap this season. That, sadly, makes me wonder whether there will be a 4th.
I came to that conclusion because bookending the series with the same director seemed to be a bookend. An End. A bit of research tells me that Fincher’s four years exclusive deal with Netflix in 2020. If true, well, there’s certainly time for a 4th.
Meanwhile, this season’s opener Three Robots: Exit Strategies, is also unique as it’s a direct sequel to a previous episode.
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