There’s no shortage of RPGs out there. The move to digital publishing has lowered the barriers to entry to such an extent that homebrew campaigns and rules appear every week on sites like RPGNow and DrivethruRPG. This plentiful supply of games is a silver lining worth adventuring for but the cost, the cloud it brings, […]
Why did so many medieval knights fight snails?
If you’ve ever looked at medieval art you might well have seen images of knights fighting all sorts of monsters. And snails. Actually, you might have noticed knights fought snails often. Why is that? This video from Vox looks at the observations of Michael Camille and the theory of Lilian Randall. The snails, suggests Randall, […]
Batman and Aquaman: Medieval armour style
Two of the Justice League heroes wearing mythic medieval armour. These leather suits were created by deviant artist Azmal, aka Samuel Lee, who has confirmed that Loki, Deadpool and Green Lantern are also going to enjoy the same treatment.