Fantasy: Realms of Imagination is a series of online and physical events at the London building.
A sneak peak inside the Engraver’s Dungeon
The Engraver’s Dungeon is a site that sells specially treated images from horror, classic and sci-fi movies. What’s so special about them? Each poster is a laser engraving which means it has been cut directly onto prepared wood. At the bottom of this post you’ll find a preview design piece of artist Diego Scaglia Rat’s […]
Freaky Pan’s Labyrinth cosplay
Canadian cosplayer Melanie Colley brought Pan’s Labyrinth’s surreal Faun character back to this reality. This cosplay is freaky but I think it’s freaky in the good way. I’m sure the director would approve. Melanie detailed the steps in creating the piece. It wasn’t easy! You can see more on
Pan’s Labyrinth in LEGO
LEGO builder The Deathly Halliwell is packed with talent. He’s a builder able to engineer complex structures and bring to life fanciful visions. The Brothers Brick noticed this Pan’s Labyrinth pair. It’s the Faun and the Pale Man. Scary and good.