There are familiar faces in this 20-minute short. Eric Roberts, of course, is Nicky Lonero. Canadian model Nick Bateman dons the duster as Gambit, Anna Butkevych is Magik, and Ellen Hollman is Rogue.
Favourite superheroes and villains as powerful women
This project from artist and illustrator Nik Lord takes some of your favourite superheroes and villains and re-imagines them as powerful women. There’s Daredevil “Girl”, Gambit, Iron Man, Sabertooth, Venom and Wolverine too. Any favourites?
X-Men as Star Wars characters
This is a great piece of geeky mashup art from Arzeno over at Deviant Art. It puts X-Men characters into the roles of Star Wars. Gambit is Han Solo (suggested name: Han LeBeua), Rogue is Princess Leia (suggested name: Princess Leianna), Nightcrawler as Luke Skywalker (suggested name: Kurt Skywalker), Beast as Chewbacca (suggested name: Coybacca), […]
Who fights who? The Avengers Vs X-Men match ups
Marvel announced a series of Avengers Vs X-Men titles. There’s a webpage up over at that’s worth checking out if you’re a fan. I want to know who will fight whom. After all – are they realling going to put Iron Man up against Magneto? It looks like Marvel have been scattering exclusives of […]