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What if… Borg sea battles
What if the Federation was an alliance of countries and the Borg some previously unknown and deadly enemy from over the sea? Mix that up with a bit of magic technology, throw in some Master and Commander battles and you might end up with a scene like this fantastic piece from Mirsad Agic. You can […]
Hello Kitty Borg cake
I’m not sure which side of the cake is the most scary. Via El Laboratorio de las Tartas (warning; auto-play sounds).
The official Doctor Who – Star Trek crossover; first four covers
Things from Another World say, on the 2nd printing of the Star Trek: The Next Generation and Doctor Who crossover, say “They said it would never happen!“ What do you think? It has happened. There is an official IDW publishing Star Trek / Doctor Who crossover. Do you love it? Is this two favourite sci-fi […]